Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's Etsy Time!

Yes, something new has wandered into my life. He has a fro-hawk, the most adorable chubby legs, and he happens to be my nephew. This nephew also has a mother, who is my sister, and she is in dire need of books that aren't edible. Between her brain and mine we have realized that with my artistic abilities and her will to conquer any project, we can be the new authors/creators of Dylan Books. From furry animals playing tag, to grasshoppers making cupcakes, the possibilities are endless. Each page will be sketched, inked, and colored with my loving hands. After much poking and prodding, my sister has convinced me to set up an Etsy account, and that is where I'll sell these childrens' stories, along with other simple creations, hopefully to be placed on t-shirts, bags, etc. Cross your fingers for me. I hope this works! ~The Infamous Dylan Dude~

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Outta My Outta My...

It's going to be a pretty hectic weekend. But awesome beyond beyonds. Thursday, is Bruster's Real ice Cream Banana Split Sunday Night. Major crowd, with a handful of them being some church buddies that crack me up. Friday, just happens to be the sleepover party get together for one of my best friends. She's getting married on the 6th of June! Can't wait! Still need to get my dress from JCPennys. And probably take it out some because they only have a size 22 for plus size. I'm sorry what? Only a 22 fro plus size women? When is the world going to realize that not everyone can pass off being a size 2 and still call themselves normal!
Sheesh. Little rant there, had to get it out in the world and join the countless others who have debated on that issue as well. Woop dee doo!
Alright then, back to Saturday. Which will be the whip cream and sprinkles for the weekend, because it is a Singles Picnic party, for those of us who are within the "I'm single, f/20/md and lonely" stage, not to mention that my very own class teachers are in charge of it, so that would be the cherry for you cherry lovers out there. I'll take a diet coke and a pizza please. MIKA!!!!!

It's pretty sweet. of course after that, I'm going to have to go on a job hunt. Been applying everywhere, from the movie theaters to front desk service for a Realtor business. Fun huh? But I really am going to need to kick it into gear, or else bills, life and car are going to become very problematic. I really need to find a job.....Did I mention I currently work for Torrid part time, as well as a Chiropractor doing the stuff no one else likes? I'm doing the Reactivation program. I call inactive patients, write letters to them, send than you referrals, happy birthday cards and anything else that includes giving them a free mug or water bottle.
So let me rephrase that last one: I need a full time job that pays over or at least 8 bucks. Weehoooooo